Features of endoscopic breast augmentation

Beautiful and full breasts are the dream of every female representative. Only nature will not reward everyone with it. Endoscopic breast augmentation involves the surgical operation of implanting implants.

The main advantages of this method

Among other techniques that allow you to increase breast volume and correct its defects, endoscopy has some advantages:

  1. Possibility to preserve breastfeeding infants. The implant is located directly under the muscle. This position will not interfere with the natural function of the breast in any way.
  2. The breast retains its most beautiful appearance. The ability to position the seam in the armpit makes it almost invisible. After a few months, the scar dissolved and disappeared. The implanted implant does not show through the skin, so the breast maintains its natural appearance.
  3. The operating time is short. Thanks to the use of an endoscope, the doctor has the opportunity to examine the entire surgical area and control the entire process. The operations performed became more accurate, and the program itself lasted no more than an hour.
  4. The recovery period passed quickly. During the operation, the tissue did not suffer too much trauma, and the healing process proceeded quickly and well. After 2 weeks, the patient was able to return to the usual lifestyle, but with some reservations.

Who is breast augmentation surgery suitable for?

Under what circumstances are you planning to perform endoscopic breast augmentation or breast correction? For example, in the following:

Breast measurement before endoscopic breast augmentation
  • Insufficient breast development;
  • Small breasts
  • Drooping breasts, which may be due to breastfeeding or a sharp drop in weight;
  • Chest asymmetry;
  • Deformation of the chest caused by trauma or surgery.

Preparation period

Like any surgery, mammoplasty requires the patient to be prepared to check for any contraindications. The following checks are required before breast augmentation:

  • Undergo breast ultrasound examination;
  • Perform general blood tests;
  • Set clotting time;
  • Perform blood tests for AIDS, hepatitis, biochemistry, and genital infections.

A preliminary consultation with an anesthesiologist is required, which will help to determine in advance the possible complications of anesthesia during the operation. Any operation is an intervention on the body and violates the natural process, so the preliminary preparations must be made very carefully.

How is the operation performed

There are several ways to perform endoscopic breast augmentation:

  1. An incision just below the breast. Its length usually does not exceed 3. 5 cm. The disadvantage of this option is that even if the sutures heal most successfully, when only thin scars remain at the wound site, the scars will regularly remind women and their partners to perform breast augmentation surgery.
  2. An incision near the nipple. This option is full of consequences. First, scar formation is still inevitable. Second, it is impossible to breastfeed future children. During the operation, some ducts and glandular tissues themselves will be affected. In the future, a woman will have a child, and if she becomes pregnant, it will be impossible to breastfeed her. Another complication most feared by patients who choose this special breast augmentation method is the complete loss of nipple sensitivity. In this case, the bust is already defective.
  3. Operate through the underarm access. It is considered the most successful and safe breast augmentation option. The breast tissue remains intact, so the child can be fed without any problems in the future. The scar formed under the armpit can finally dissolve within six months, so it will not spoil the result at all. Generally speaking, the process of inserting the implant through the axillary passage under the pectoral muscle is more convenient, but certain endoscopic equipment is required. Not only must the muscle tissue be cut, but also the large blood vessels that pass through it must not be damaged. Generally speaking, the whole process takes much less time. Breast augmentation under the armpits can significantly shorten the recovery period. If the clinic has a modern laser device, the probability of a good result will increase several times.

One month before the operation, the diet should be adjusted and the diet should be modified. This is especially true for women who regularly diet. Lack of trace elements and vitamins can lead to poor healing of damaged tissues. After a few weeks, they stopped taking all drugs that might affect blood clotting. Usually, their list is consulted by a surgeon or anesthesiologist. After three days, you need to try to quit smoking: due to this bad habit, a rough and unsightly scar will form.

Under no circumstances should you drink alcohol before and after surgery. Alcohol is the strictest contraindication of all narcotic drugs and drugs.

The operation is performed in a conventional operating room to ensure sterility.


Like any medical procedure, endoscopic mammoplasty has many contraindications. In the presence of these contraindications, it is worthwhile to refuse breast augmentation to avoid further negative consequences. These include:

  • Any tumor (malignant and benign) in the breast area;
  • Current infectious disease;
  • Chronic or acute diseases of internal organs;
  • diabetes;
  • Blood disease
  • Poor blood clotting;
  • minor;
  • If one year has not passed since breastfeeding was completed;
  • The patient is mentally abnormal or unstable.


The first day after the operation, the patient usually spends in the hospital ward, where he is supervised by medical staff and provides qualified medical services when necessary.

In the first week after breast augmentation, the patient will feel pain at the incision site. It is recommended to use painkillers to reduce this negative effect. Under no circumstances should physical exertion be allowed. You need to avoid violent waves in your arms and try not to raise them above your shoulders. In three months, you will have to forget to go to the bathhouse or sauna instead of going to the solarium. During this period, it is strictly forbidden to perform any surgery on the breast area.

Breast before and after endoscopic breast augmentation

The price of endoscopic breast augmentation surgery may vary, depending not only on the material of the implant, but also on the experience and reputation of the surgeon. The price difference can be up to two times. Before choosing a cheaper option, you should consider whether you are ready to risk your health and give it to a complete stranger.

The success of underarm endoscopic breast augmentation depends not only on your future appearance, but also on your health. Before deciding on such an important and responsible step, it is worth weighing all the advantages and disadvantages to ensure that there are no contraindications or reasons to worry about. When the slightest deviation occurs, it is best to abandon the operation or postpone the operation. Remammoplasty is extremely risky and not every expert will do it.